Mrs. Moody has been in delicate health for some time, but was active up to three weeks ago when the progress of the malady that resulted in her death confined her to her home. Although everything possible was done for her, death gained the mastery.
Mrs. Moody, whose maiden name was Louise Kuhn, was born in Michigan City, Indiana, April 28, 1849. On January 9th, 1886 [sic], she was united in marriage to Oscar L. Moody, also a native of Michigan City, who died suddenly while attending to business in Rockdale on September 13, 1918.
Deceased had been a resident of Milam county for 43 years and was a consistent member of the Baptist church for 42 years. Far from the home and kindred of her youth and when bereft of husband and two children, she faltered not, but bore herself cheerfully, and dwelt at the home place surrounded by her children and the people she loved.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon [August 27th] at 5 o'clock at the Murray cemetery where interment was made at the side of her departed loved ones. Friends from Rockdale united with relatives and friends of the community in paying their last sad tribute and the flowers which were sent bore testimony in their profusion and beauty to the regard in which she was held. Rev. W.E. Copeland long time friend of the family, assisted by layman E.A. Camp, delivered the eloquent funeral address, expressive of the love and reverence in which Mrs. Moody was held.
Deceased was the mother of eighteen [sic] children: Albert Moody, who died September 14th, 1910; Clara Banzhaf, wife of Milam county Agricultural Agent, George Banzhaf, she dying November 16th, 1919; Mrs. Cora Saunders, Dallas; Mrs. Lotta Jacob, Houston; O.L. Moody, Jr., Robstown; Wallace Moody, Cameron; Harry Moody, Rockdale; Mrs. Josephine Mackey, Rockdale. One sister and two brothers also survive: Mrs. Cena, Currey, Chicago, Jule and Geo. Kuhn of Michigan City, Indiana. Several grand children survive, among them Miss Lottye Banzhaf, a former member of the Rockdale High School faculty, and Clayton Banzhaf, who saw service in the A.E.F. during the World War.
The active pall bearers were: Hood Caldwell, O.K. Phillips, Lon Hudson, B.W. Baldridge, E.A. Camp and W.H. Fletcher. -- Rockdale Reporter
As published in The Cameron Herald on the 7th of September