FYI . . . this email went out to all known email contacts on this date . . . please do let us know if you did not receive this email . . . and /or if you would like to be added to the contact list for receiving these messages in the future . . .
Howdy to all y'all Murray Cemetery kith 'n kin!
As of 2007, this little country cemetery in Milam County is officially recognized by the State of Texas as an "Historic Texas Cemetery" . . . you will find more info about the Murray Cemetery on our website at . . .
The Murray Cemetery Association (MCA) was organized to ensure ongoing care and upkeep of this cemetery . . .a membership meeting is held annually on the 3rd Saturday in September . . . the next meeting is exactly one month from today . . .
WHEN :: 10 o'clock a.m.
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
WHERE :: Rockdale, Milam County, Texas
Rockdale General Store Community Room
1201 West Highway 79
(west of downtown Rockdale, near the funeral home;
enter from outside on east end of building)
Paying an annual perpetual care fee of at least $20 assists in covering the cost of regular upkeep and maintenance for this burial ground . . . and entitles you to a single vote at the membership meeting . . . you are welcome to submit your contribution in person at the annual meeting . . . or it can be mailed to . . .
Murray Cemetery Association
P O Box 649
Rockdale, Texas 76567
If you send a contribution in the mail, please be sure to provide your current contact information . . . including your preferred email address.
Contributions to show your support for the final resting place of your kith 'n kin are welcome in any amount. Any and all monies received by the MCA will be used for the care and upkeep of the cemetery as a whole (unless specifically designated by the contributor for other projects, e.g., fence or tombstone repair).
MCA OFFICERS will be elected at the 2014 meeting. They will serve a two-year term which will begin October 1st, 2014. The current MCA Officers are Bill Gross, President, and John E. Fischer, Vice-President. Shirley McIrvin has resigned from the joint position of Secretary / Treasurer effective July 28, 2014. We will consider electing one person as Secretary and one person as Treasurer. The Treasurer must reside in Milam County.
*** ONLY those who have paid the minimum $20.00 Annual Perpetual Care Fee will be eligible to vote at the meeting. That fee must be paid prior to or at the time of the meeting (before votes are counted). ***
If you would consider being an MCA Officer, or would like to suggest someone for an office, please respond to this email with name(s) and contact information.
POT-LUCK LUNCH will be shared following the business meeting. Please bring your favorite dish and join us. Plates, napkins, utensils, cups, ice, tea and coffee will be furnished by the MCA.
Please respond via email no later than the 12th of September to let us know how many will be staying for the meal.
MURRAY CEMETERY ONLINE . . . we now have a permanent email address . . . and a cemetery website (blog) . . . we also have photo albums online . . . and two facebook pages (one is public and and one is private . . . do let us know if you would like to be added to the private one) . . .
There is a lot of history in this old country cemetery . . . and we are hoping to establish and maintain contact with as many descendants as possible . . . please DO feel free to forward this to other kith 'n kin . . . and / or send us names and emails and we will contact them . . . we would also like to have names and mailing addresses for any who do not use email . . . we look forward to "meeting" new kith 'n kin . . . and are hoping to see some of y'all in Rockdale in September! . . . e-y'all later . . .